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How to make an online newspaper in Bangladesh?

online newspaper in Bangladesh
online newspaper in Bangladesh

Online newspaper in Bangladesh has lots of online traffic now a day. If someone wants to make good revenue online by Blogging Online News Portal will be best easy and profitable. You must need to consider one thing never publish any fake or false news. Fake vulgar news caught publicity very quickly but it will be very bad for your future because Gov cybersecurity team can harass you any time for that news publishing issue.

Launch an Online News Portal is not a very big fact. You can plan and execute it any time and anywhere from Bangladesh. You just need some active agent/journalist to collect news.

What do I need to start News Portal?

We need a perfect website for an online newspaper. You can contact Serverbd team they can manage everything behind you. Another hand if you won’t make it yourself continues reading this tutorial. first, we need to know what metrical we need to start the project. Blew I describe step by step. We need 3 steps:

1. Domain Name

A domain name is the name of the website. You can choose a rememberable small name that will be better In Bangladesh Dainik is a synonym for Daily. Most of the websites use the Dainik prefix for Newspaper websites. You Register a.COM domain for it. Server bd is a Cheap Domain Registration Company in Bangladesh.

2. Web Hosting

Web Hosting is another most important piece of equipment for the website. At the start time, you can buy a small Hosting package for the newspaper. the first time you can buy shared hosting then when your website will be reaching the goal and generate huge traffic you can buy a VPS server or Dedicated Server that time. One thing you can upgrade your package anytime if you buy Web Hosting from Serverbd.

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3. Web Development or Design

This is the final or last milestone for building our Online newspaper website project. You watch youtube lots of tutorial about web design for New portal and can try yourself. If you busy or noob about web development you can hire our Developer to make it live for you very cheap cost web design and a short time.

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